Gardening Orchid and the Rose

>> Oktober 20, 2009

Source: DI mothers mothers

I again want to gardening, there are like orchids & roses melihara not ya? How to care for orchids & roses right, so
she diligently flowering? [Lt]

About caring for orchids, I want to tell my mom just experience. Because I still rada-rada lazy gardening itself. For orchids, should be placed in the shade reply. Orchid also given fertilizer sprayed through the leaves because the flowers will grow on the leaves. Usually 1 week watered orchid. Do not be too frequent watering because the orchids will rot instead. If there is a rotten leaves, immediately discarded. Then the flower stems that have finished developing, immediately cut because it will grow shoots the next flower. That said, my mother, when about roses, I and the mother is still often fail to take care of [WLN]

I often watched my father an avid orchid plant, orchid house that seemed lush and lovely flowering of orchids orchids months until the yellow / purple / red, sorry do not know his name. Dad is usually attached to orchids on the tree trunk is dead, or orchids clinging to the wall (if you can have lumutan, let the humidity up). Also continue to use the medium of charcoal or
use a piece of wood. If roses, think not too much need of extra attention, watered enough, just in the sun and do not forget the love of fertilizer (especially for flowering plants). Yeah, right, if you want to take the flowers (rose / orchid), do not forget the scissors, and the leaves / flowers are already starting to die and should be cut [wkn]

I frankly do not really know the flower's. But if you see my mom and my grandmother had, for their diligent roses bloom, because each flower has blossomed immediately cut. The result was often flowering roses. Though it is never given fertilizer, most stale tea with water or used water wash fish. If for orchids, college days, my supervisor at the same hobbies variety of orchids. He has a story, orchid was sprayed using an antibiotic solution. Antibiotics used, the antibiotics which we used to drink. But how dissolving I do not know [des]

Just like the others, my mother more happy-fun gardening orchid, to the extent that I have neighbors who come too gardening orchid. My mama's Orchid lot until there is a sale, like other words, there are some orchids that should be placed there too moist but can get hot, when I noticed, my mother changed the media avidly orchids (be charcoal or other, but usually charcoal) when charcoal is surrounded ants, or the orchid has many stems separated pisahin so few pots. He continued to nag at 9 am orchids what has to go home and it's a lot of orchids are popular colors Denrodium and others have already signed in species such as Papua (PLANTS) and others no longer a brand Vanda, I also found out that there are orchids the black color called Black Dog. If the problem watered, my mom used to spray water as the shower is not too hard, would orchids watered every day at 6:30 in the morning, 8:30 o'clock pg, keep out the rain if not watered. Each day of the week diinsektisida orchid, with a previously watered once. Oh yes there are also orchid vitamins, especially vitamin orchids, my mom usually shopped at the Garden Orchid Indonesia Permai, TMII gas station next door, in cooperative [Ni]

I also love gardening again, initially more to home vegetable. But, now also began to be attracted to the orchids, because I can orchids Which is not neglected from my cousin. He said, every morning sprayed Hyponex Use 1 / 2 tablespoons water + 1 sprayer (1 liter). If the afternoon, doused rice water use. But do not let the rice is left there, because it can spoil. In this way, can change the orchids that have become fertile thin-fertile again. I immediately challenged to be practiced, hopefully successfully [Wnd]

I'm pretty happy gardening, especially orchids, roses if I do not think because destined to be more super pemupukannya particularly painstaking and sensitive nature with the climate than orchids. Of course I was caring for this orchid in a boarding school until the end time confusion brought him home. Now that the house itself and the child've started a big, start again. If orchids are to be careful especially in the old sun shines. Each type of orchid have needs different lighting intensities. Dead orchids months, unfortunately yes, I have a collection of orchids months now. And to all, then when time to Ragunan, said friends here were pengkoleksi orchid orchid sales center far less costly than in Ancol. Near the Ministry of Agriculture.

To Orchid months he did little butuhnya intensity lighting so it's better if in the shadow of a tree, while if the type of dendrobium exposed to sunlight place. Orchid months more vulnerable and more difficult disease maintenance than the orchid Dendrobium is a much more stubborn. If beginners are usually easier to maintain the type of dendrobium, a fast growing and flowering, not rewellah.

Fertilization is important to 2x a week usually. Fertilizing orchids or other plants is generally distinguished 2 types, manure and fertilizer leaves flowers / fruit. So if you are still in the vegetative growth of the alias we just want to raise the bar and the leaves are taking leaves of fertilizer. If the stems and leaves are large, we think we did enough fertilizer to replace fertilizer rates to stimulate generative growth. Fertilizer brands have all kinds, which are common for orchids Gandasil and Vitabloom. Gandasil D and D point to Vitablom leaf fertilizer. Gandasil B and B for fertilizer Vitablom flowers. Dishwater good rice. Watering also be used for orchids, but be aware of their roots in the fern outstanding. Sometimes because rimbunnya roots, lots of stagnant water in here, this is what makes up the appearance of mushrooms, which appears root rot disease. So die orchid. Better to buy a book about orchids or roses, a lot of Scholastic. There are very detailed explaining ways orchid care and maintenance of [Al]

Try to go into (Home & Garden TV) that often led the way diacaranya flower gardening [Me]

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