Gardening Is Easy And Cheap

>> Oktober 19, 2009

* Do you have a hobby of gardening? Yes, but I do not have much time.
     * Do you have a hobby of gardening? Yes, but my driveway is very narrow.
     * Do you have a hobby of gardening? I love this new start, but I do not know much about the manner of gardening.

No problem! Now there's a solution. A hydroponics garden.

Hydroponic gardening is a method in which the land is no longer used as a medium for the plant. Hydroponics can be referred to as soilless culture.

Which is used as a planting medium is among other things: sand, charcoal, husk, pieces of stone, styrofoam, or even at all without the use of planting media. Because not use the land, the hydroponic gardening in a way not causing our bodies become too dirty (dirtless gardening).

Gardening with hydroponics method becomes very simple when using hydroponics kit that we produce. You do not need to use time too many, enough for 30 to 60 minutes each day to make the scale hydroponic farming households. You also do not need to have a big yard. One and a half feet per side is enough.

If you want to know how to hydroponic farming is easy and simple, please come to the Parung Farm, Bogor, to see and ask all the things you want to know.

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