Planting and Caring Tips Iris

>> Oktober 27, 2009

Planting and Caring Tips Iris

If you want to have a beautiful garden in the spring, planting flowers Iris.
Positive points of interest Iris:
* So many varieties are available in various shapes and colors, from brown, orange, blue, purple, yellow, white, and mix these colors.
* The flowers are fragrant
* Very easy maintenance, no need in apa2kan grow and bloom well.
* Very rare there is not even pests and diseases
* Multiply rapidly

* Once purchased, the plant will survive and bloom every year and even more every day smakin more

Negative points: No flowering throughout the year, the interest can only be enjoyed for about 1 month in the spring or reply sometimes lush flowering plants back in late fall / early winter.

Cara menanam & merawat Iris
* Choose a place exposed to direct sunlight. When Iris was in a sheltered area so he just grows and make a lot of leaves but no flowers.
* Plant rhizome / root intersection not too deep, and even some rhizome should still appear on the surface soil.
* Sirami necessary, not every day is not why
* Month - 2 months after Iris finished blooming (mid-month fall in June), until the remaining pieces daun2nya approximately 5 cm from the rhizome. This action to make Iris rhizome produces a larger and tunas2 would bring more interest.
* Fertilizer necessary (I have never been cultivated, but always flowering)
* If the collection of plants had grown too dense / coincide, then dismantle the plant and separate the longer distance between the rhizome so that you will have more and more flowers and flower Iris appears to maintain the quality / size.

Congratulations to plant Iris!

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