ways to take care of flowers

>> September 05, 2009

Can grow flowers bloom when we diligent care. This treatment not only doused with water alone, but requires more maintenance if the flowers to keep blooming, beautiful and not wilted. Here are ways to take care of flowers:
Flowers in pots or vases

* Clean old pots or vases of flowers, for pot or vase must be clean
* If you want to plant flowers in pots, put just enough soil and fertilizer to grow and flowering plants. While the vase filled with water only for soaking the flowers.
* Flush with water. Would be great if flush with warm water.
* Cut the plants until the end of the rod pointed to the water seeped in through the plant stem.
* Avoid hot or interest from direct sunlight so that the flower does not wither or die sooner. Good sunlight for plants that flower between the hours of 7 am to 11 noon. After that the interest should be moved to a more shade.
* Move the location of the leaf when touching the water surface in a vase to avoid development of bacteria in the vase.
* Watering of flowers should be done every day, in the morning or late afternoon.

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